The Music Industry and the Web – Time to kiss and make up?
I was reading about the making of Brian Eno’s “Another Green World” earlier I found myself wondering whether it would be possible to record and release such an ambitious album in these times, where record labels are acting like frightened animals, cautiously guarding their IP and making easy moves – no doubt fearful of any further financial hemorrhaging.
Another Green World was made in 1975 in a top London studio that Eno, following a stint in Roxy Music and two well received solo albums, had booked – along with a group of the top musicians of time – without actually having planned much out first. This kind of thing went on a lot in the seventies, where after two decades of lucrative rock ‘n’ roll the money was there to make anything possible and confidence in artists (and not just their managers) was at a peak.
It’s a widely held view that we’re living in a kind of polar opposite to this these days and that the web, with its core principles of openness providing an easy sea for music pirates to sail on, is somehow to blame for this. It doesn’t stop there either – social media advocates that have tried to introduce the need for interaction with audiences to musicians, managers and labels have recently been met with waves of negativity and a sad yearning for “the good old days” when all that was needed to sell thousands of records was a few interviews and some decent radio coverage.
As you’d expect from massive corporate entities, major labels themselves have always been slow to embrace technology and therefore often highly suspicious of it – for instance the delays that have beset the launch of Spotify in the US have apparently been caused by a lack of confidence in potential revenues for the service. This is despite its success in Europe and the fact that these labels own forays into selling music via the web have been massive failures – not to mention the current alternative of continuing to release music only for it to be sold once and then endlessly pirated.
This might be a good time then, if they want to actually be around in ten years time, for labels to begin investing in emerging music technology themselves – rather than be at the mercy of smarter, web-savvy companies that will control their future interaction with audiences, and perhaps even one day seek to usurp them. A wise place to start would be to look into future formats, since MP3 is unlikely to be around forever and has proven to be a medium which suits audiences far, far more than it does the labels. Also, with licensing and IP issues no doubt being a major headache for them in terms of time and resources, perhaps harnessing technology as a means of dealing with these would be wise – although I can see a few people in the legal system resisting this one.
A forward thinking view with regards to the data around their music and artists would benefit them too. You only have to look at LastFm, whose API provides artist and song data to range of popular sites or The Echo Nest, which has recently struck deals around their music data services with two broadcasting giants in the form of BBC and MTV to see that this has a real value in terms of the kind of mobile apps and web services they can provide their audiences in the future.This is certainly something worth thinking about if these begin to replace traditional formats like singles and albums as a means of experiencing music, something that some are starting to believe is very likely. Bearing in mind that this new type of media might allow labels the chance to once again exert some control over the way audiences purchase and interact with music it would be unwise to ignore this trend in the way they ignored the rise of the mp3 fifteen years ago.
As much as I can see that record labels have been overly defensive and almost comically foolish when it comes to the Internet, few things would bring me greater pleasure than to see them recover the confidence to allow them to start investing in artists again and I honestly believe that it’s technology that holds the key to this. Let’s hope we start to see this in the coming years – who knows, maybe one day soon we might get to hear a musical endeavor as glorious as “Another Green World”.
Mollie Vandor is the product manager for where she likes to make lists about reading, eating and bad-TV-watching. She’s also the media director for Girls in Tech LA. You can find her on Twitter @Mollierosev and on her blog.
Whether you’re looking to make a big change, or just tweak a few little things, the new year gives you the perfect opportunity to reflect on your behavior and resolve to do better going forward.
Of course, it’s one thing to say you want to tackle a typical resolution like get in better physical shape, get in better financial shape or — like many of us who work on the web — get your social media presence in order. It’s another thing to actually accomplish those big, broad goals.
So this year, instead of making your goals big and broad, why not take a page from the web world and use analytics to pinpoint the specific stuff you want to change? And, by that same token, why not use data tracking to hold yourself accountable for keeping all those resolutions too?
Read on for some tips on how to use social media to corral your New Year’s resolutions. Let us know in the comments below what tips worked for you, or share your own resolution advice.
Let’s Get Physical
There’s the freshman 15 everyone gains from collegiate pizza and beer, and then there’s the startup 15 many of us tech geeks gain from sodas and office snacks. Between the time spent sitting in front of a computer screen and the time spent networking over drinks and dinners, it’s easy to put on pounds when you work on the web. Of course, you can always try the startup diet, but that’s not necessarily going to work for everyone.
Keeping a food and exercise log might sound like a daunting task, but it turns out you may already be tracking some of that data without even knowing it. Foursquareclass="blippr-nobr">foursquare actually lets you see your entire checkin history and, if you do a quick search, you can find it so you can easily see whether you’ve really been going to the gym or frequenting your fast food runs.
Similarly, the Foursquare stats page lets you see your own checkin trends in handy graphs and lists. There’s even a site called weeplaces that lets you turn your Foursquare, Facebook Places and class='blippr-nobr'>Gowallaclass="blippr-nobr">Gowalla checkins into graphic visualizations. And, weeplaces will let you filter those visualizations by food-related checkins and parks and recreation checkins, so you can really get a handle on your history.
class='blippr-nobr'>Google Mapsclass="blippr-nobr">Google Maps also lets you search your own history, so can get a visual reminder of the places you’ve been searching for, and start picking up on trends in your own behavior. You just have to enable it. And, of course, there’s the age-old pedometer, made a lot easier and more fashionable via a host of iPhoneclass="blippr-nobr">iPhone and Androidclass="blippr-nobr">Android apps that let you easily track how much you’re walking without having to do anything more than a quick download.
Of course, once you establish the things you want to change about your eating and exercising habits, you still have to make those changes stick. class='blippr-nobr'>Appsclass="blippr-nobr">Apps like LoseIt, Weight Watchers and LiveStrong let you log calories you eat and calories you burn via your smartphone. Fitango prescribes personalized plans to help you get in shape, and gives you a forum for sharing milestones you meet with your friends. Similarly, Phitter is like a fitness-focused class='blippr-nobr'>Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter stream where people share weight loss trials, tribulations and tips to help keep each other going.
Or, you can try something like the Social Workout Challenge, which gives you fitness goals to meet and a community of people to keep you accountable for meeting them. If you really want to take your weight tracking to the next level, there’s even a scale that automatically tweets your weight to the world. While you’re at it, FixNixer and QuitMeter also give you similar tools for tracking your way out of a smoking habit, another great way to get yourself in better physical shape in the new year.
Money, Money, Money
For many people, the New Year is also a great time to get a fresh financial start. But again, it’s a lot easier to make changes going forward when you know how you’ve been behaving in the past. That’s where a site like can be very handy. class='blippr-nobr'>Mintclass="blippr-nobr">Mint aggregates all of your various accounts, including credit cards, bank accounts and assets, and then turns your spending habits into easy-to-read charts and graphs that show you where you’re spending and where you could be saving. It even lets you compare your shopping and spending habits with other people in your area, so you can see how you stack up. Many credit cards, like American Express Blue and Visa Signature, also give you year-end spending summaries that show you how much you’ve spent, how much you’ve saved, how much interest you’ve accumulated and more.
Once you’ve nailed down how your money is going out the door, you can start figuring out ways to keep more of it in your wallet. Again, this is where tracking will be key to actually keeping those resolutions. First, you can establish your financial goals via an online calculator, which lets you figure out exactly how much to start saving. Once you’ve figured out your goals, there are more than 50 great, free mobile apps to help you track your spending. On Facebook, the BillMonk app will help you keep better track of those tricky situations where you’re sharing a bill with friends, and you need to make sure everyone knows what they owe. XPenser lets you record your expenses from any device, including via tweet and e-mail, and TweetWhatYouSpend gives you a forum for sharing your expenditures with everyone on Twitter, so your friends can help hold you accountable when you blow your budget shopping those post-holiday sales.
Get Your Social Media in Shape
Whether or not you work on the web, if you’re reading class='blippr-nobr'>Mashableclass="blippr-nobr">Mashable, chances are you have a social media presence. And, just like your physical and financial identities, your social media self might be due for a little makeover in 2011 too. The good news is that the data is even easier to find when you’re talking about your personal tech habits. For example, you can use the Top Words app to figure out the topics you talk about most on class='blippr-nobr'>Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook. Klout tells you which topics you talk about the most on Twitter, and all sorts of other stats that will help you pinpoint what it is about your social media presence that you may want to change.
Similarly, BackType analyzes your Twitter profile and tells you what percentage of your tweets are replies, retweets, links, etc. Like Klout, it also tells you who you’re influencing and who your influencers are. And, it shows you your most shared sites. All of these are great data points for determining things you’d like to change about your social media presence. Finally, ViralHeat gives you in-depth analysis of the sentiment around your various social network profiles, which really lets you hone in on how your social media behavior is being received by your followers on Facebook, Twitter and across the web.
Once you’ve established what you want to change, you can set up ViralHeat to send alerts and updates directly to your inbox so you can track the impact of those changes on the fly. Similarly, since Klout and BackType both update regularly now, you can see your statistics change as your behavior does, which is a great way to keep yourself motivated. And, of course, make sure you set up Google Alerts to track all the activity around your various accounts.
If your resolution involves blogging more often, there are plenty of apps to help you do that on the go, right from your phone. Another way to remind yourself of things you want to blog, tweet or post about is by using a service like TwittRemind, which lets you tweet yourself reminders to do things throughout the day.
To make the most of your many profiles, consider setting up a hub page via a service like about.meclass="blippr-nobr">, which lets you showcase all your profiles in one place. Or, sign up for a social network aggregation service to make it easier to make changes on all your profiles at once. You also might want to consider setting up a targeted Twitter list of friends and followers who can help you hold yourself accountable and focus your social media efforts so you can minimize the number of relationships you’re managing and maximize the return you’re getting from all these changes.
New Year, New You
Whether your New Year’s resolutions involve getting yourself in better physical, financial or social media shape, the web can help you figure out exactly what you want to change and how you’re going to keep yourself accountable for changing it. 2011 is a brand new year and a completely fresh start, and, breaking your New Year’s resolutions is so 2010.
More Social Media Resources from Mashable:
- 10 More Creative Uses of the New Facebook Profile [PICS]
/> - 10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and Tricks
/> - 6 Reasons Why Social Games Are the Next Advertising Frontier
/> - 3 Things Brands Must Do to Reach Millennials Online
/> - How Social Media Can Help With Your Long Distance Job Search
Image courtesy of iStockphotoclass="blippr-nobr">iStockphoto, DNY59
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Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
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Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
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Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
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Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
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surface encounters michigan
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters
surface encounters rock tops
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters
surface encounters noblesville
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters macomb mi
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters michigan
surface encounters
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters noblesville
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters macomb mi
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters
surface encounters macomb
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters michigan
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters michigan
surface encounters
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters noblesville
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters macomb
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters rock tops
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters macomb
surface encounters macomb mi
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters rock tops
surface encounters noblesville
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters michigan
surface encounters michigan
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters noblesville
surface encounters
Major Deal: Fashionista Readers Recieve 20% Off Chanel at <b>...</b>
More good news: It works for the entire site, just in case you see something that isn't Chanel that you've got to have. And if that wasn't enough to tempt you, Decades2.1 is doing another Chanel event with flash sales site HauteLook ...
Google <b>News</b> et Al: More Popular <b>News</b> Source than TV | Search <b>...</b>
Where do you get your news? Certainly, newspapers have faded out as a top resource. However, if you answered from TV news programs, you're part of a group.
The <b>News</b> from Norway : CJR
As the remaining Norwegian-American newspaper, we honor our predecessors by sharing the news of the vibrant Norwegian-American community with our 20000 readers every week. Posted by Christy on Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 01:15 AM ...
surface encounters michigan
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